TM 5-1260-206-12
P o i n t Positioning Data
C o n s i s t s of a data-base index, area
Base (PPDB)
index, geodetically-controlled photo-
g r a p h i c coverage (in stereo) of a
d a t a base area and associated data-
b a s e c a r t r i d g e s . The PPDB enables
t r a i n e d operators to determine accur-
ate positional data for any identifi-
a b l e feature on the photography. The
PPDBs are produced by the Defense
Mapping Agency.
P h o t o g r a p h s , cronapaques, film posi-
tives, grids, or other material
mounted on the OMS for viewing.
HAND RECEIPT - Hand receipts for Components of End Item (COEI), Basic
I s s u e Items (BII), and Additional Authorization List (AAL) items are published
T h i s manual is published to
in a Hand Receipt manual, TM 5-1260-206-12-HR.
The U.S. Army Adjutant
aid in property accountability and is available through:
G e n e r a l Publication Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore, MD.
Section II.
a . Purpose of Equipment.
T h e APPS allows the operator to accurately
m e a s u r e photographic features.
I t then computes the position and ele-
vation or other data of the features selected.
C o o r d i n a t e s can be measured quickly and accurately.
Computes latitude and longitude or Universal Transverse
Records results on paper tape and/or magnetic tape car-
Is transportable.
h a r d w a r e used with a PPDB to compute point-positioning data for geo-
g r a p h i c a l f e a t u r e s . The APPS operator uses PPDB indexes to locate the
p a i r o f s t e r e o p h o t o g r a p h s c o n t a i n i n g t h e d e s i r e d f e a t u r e . T h e operator
i n s e r t s these photographs and the companion data tape into the APPS
T h e system then computes the elevation and X- and Y-coordi-
This information is printed on paper tape and/or
nates of the feature.
m a g n e t i c tape cartridge.