TM 11-6625-247-15
Nomenclature, part No., and mfr code
1-1. Indexes of Publications
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of DA
followed by the applicable 5-
Pam 3104 to determine whether there are new editions,
digit Federal supply code for
changes, or additional publications pertaining to the
manufacturers (FSCM)
identified in SB 708-42 and
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
used to identify manufacture,
determine whether there are modification work orders
distributor, or Government
(MWO's) pertaining to the equipment.
agency, etc.
1-1.1. Forms and Records
Test Set, Gyro Magnetic Compass
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
AN/ASM-61 which includes:
Equipment. Maintenance forms, records, and reports
5995-808-8979 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
which are to be used by maintenance personnel at all
Electrical: 10 cond; approx 5
maintenance levels are listed in and prescribed by TM
ft 2 in. Ig o/a; 349-25; 66150
5995-808-8978 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies.
Electrical: 4 cond; approx 5
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of Packaging
ft 2 in. Ig o/a; :349-27; 66150
and Handling Deficiencies) as prescribed in AR 700-
5995-857-9953 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose
58/NAVSUP PUB 378/AFR 714/MCO P4030.29, and
Electrical, Branched: 24 con(l;
DSAR 4145.8.
approx 9-12 in. Ig o/a; 349-
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
29; 66150.
361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
5995-857-9950 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
Report (DISREP)(SF 361)as prescribed in AR 55-
Electrical, Branched: 6 cond;
38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33/AFM 7518/MCO P4610.19A,
approx 10-3/4 in. Ig o/a; :349-
and DSAR 4500.15.
39; 66150
1-2. Reporting of Errors
5995-821-2591 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose.
Electrical, Branched: 9 cond;
recommendations for improving this publication by the
approx 11-1/4 in. Ig o/a; :349-
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
33; 66150
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
5995-821-2592 1
Cable Assembly), Special Purpose.
to Publications and Blank Forms) and forwarded direct
Electrical, Branched: 10 con(l;
to Commander, US Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
approx 11-1,2 in. Ig o/a; :149
AMSEL-MA-A Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
37; 66150
1-2.1. Items Comprising an Operable Equipment
5995-821-2593 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose.
Electrical, Branched: 10 cond;
approx 12 in. Ig o/a; :349-:31;
Nomenclature, part No., and mfr code
5995-821-2594 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
Electrical, Branched: 15 cond;
The part number is
approx 11-1/2 in lg o/a; 349-
:35; 66150
5995-857-9954 1
Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
Electrical, Branched: 16 cond( ;
approx 11 in. Ig o/a; 349-41;
5995-855-7594 1
Lead Electrical: No. 18 AWG;
approx .50 in. Ig o/a; 349-43;
Change 3 5