TM 11-5826-225-35
a. Connect the equipment as shown in figure 2-
Total series
2. It is not necessary to connect the audio output
meter or headset.
47 and 47
b. Set the switches on the control unit as fol-
17 and 56
(1) BFO-OFF switch to OFF.
47 and 68
56 and 56
(2) Function switch to ADF.
56 and 68
c. Set the switches on the test set as follows:
47 and 100
(1) DC POWER switch to OFF.
68 and 68
(2) RECEIVER-CONTROL switch to
56 and 100
68 and 100
(3) GONIO DRIVE switch to ON.
100 and 100
d. Set the range switch on the control unit to
190-400, and adjust the TUNE control on the con-
f. Set test set DC POWER switch to ON.
trol unit to 200 kHz.
e. Adjust the frequency of the signal generator
to positive lead of capacitor C68 and measure the
to 200 kHz, unmodulated, at an output level of
1000 microvolt.
quency is lower than 104 Hz, a capacitor combina-
c a p a c i t o r combination with a higher total
capacitor C68 and the vertical input to the collec-
tor of transistor Q24.
may be necessary to determine which capacitor
combination is capable of providing 110 6-Hz
g. Adjust the vertical and horizontal sweep of
h. After the proper capacitor combination is
determined, set test set DC POWER switch to
the negative lead of capacitor C82.
OFF. Unsolder and remove old capacitors C151
and C153 and replace with selected values.
i. Select a value for C82 (0.16 F, 0.35 F, 0.50
F, or 0.75 F) and connect between the positive
lead of capacitor C82 and ground.
3-17.2. 90-Degree Phase Shift
j. Set test set DC POWER switch to ON.
Observe the Lissajous pattern on the oscilloscope.
k. Repeat steps h through j to select a value of
Capacitor C82 is selected from 0.16 F,
C82 that will provide the best circular Lissajous
pattern on the oscilloscope.
0.34 F, 0.50 F, or 0.75 F to obtain a
90-degree phase shift between the 110-
l. After the proper capacitor value is deter-
Hz oscillator and the loop servo
mined, set the test set DC POWER switch to OFF.
amplifier. This selection is necessary
due to variations in the components of
Unsolder and remove old capacitor C82 and
replace with new value.
Change 5