TM 11-5826-225-35
Figure 2-1. Receiver, dust cover retaining screws locotion,
of supplying 27.5 volts dc at 3 amperes.
contains procedures for localizing troubles to the af, IF,
b. Test Equipment. The test set has circuitry for
and RF sections of the receiver, and for localiz-
simulating the loop and sense antennas and provisions
ing troubles to a stage within the various
for rotating the apparent loop antenna magnetic field
section. Parts location is indicated in figures
360 in either direction. A bearing indicator and phone
2-3 through 2-16.1. Depending on the nature of
jack are also provided. The test setup shown in figure
the operational trouble symptom, one or more
2-2 is a
preliminary troubleshooting
test setup. Test
o f t h e l o c a l i z i n g procedures
connections will vary from test to test.
be necessary. When use of the proce-
dures results in localization of trouble to a
2-5. Localizing Troubles
a. General. The troubleshooting chart (d below)
Change 3