Chapter 1. FUNCTIONING - TM-11-5826-225-350009Operating Mode Control Signal PathsAutomatic Directional Finder Mode Signal PathsLoop Operating Mode Signal PathsSection Il. DETAILED FUNCTIONING OF RADIO RECEIVER R1391/ARN-83Figure 1-2. Relative Phase and Magnitude of Loop Atenna Output SignalBalanced ModulatorFigure 1-3. Balanced modulator waveforms.Sense Antenna Input NetworkFigure 1-4. Sense antenna and balanced modulator signal mixing network, schematic diagram.Push-Pull RF AmplifierLocal OscillatorBfo, Detecter, and Limited,Figure 1-6. Adio detector, limiter, and bfo, schematic diagram.Figure 17. Audio amp[ifier, Schematic diagram,110-Cps Variable Phase Signal and Synchronous Filter - TM-11-5826-225-350024110-Cps Variable Phase Signal and Synchronous Filter - TM-11-5826-225-350025Resover Servo Amplifier110-cps Oscillatcor and AmplifierTuning ServoamplifiersVoltage RegulatorFigure 1-11. Tuning Servoamplifiers, schematic diagramFigure 1-12. Regulated dc power supply, schematic diagramFigure 1-13. Inverter, Power, Static CV-2128/ARN -33, Schematic DiagramFigure 1-15. Typical Inductance Compressor, Schematic Diagram Figure 1-16. Direction Finder Set, AN/ARN-83, interconnecting cabling diagramAntenna AS-1863/ARN83 Receiver TuningManual Loop ControlFigure 1-17. Manual RF Gain control system, schematic diagramReceiver Bfo SwitchingReceiver Tuning MeterChapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-5826-225-350041Test Equipment RequiredSection Il. TROUBLESHOOTING RADIO RECEIVER R1391/ARN83Figure 2-1. Receiver, dust cover retaining screws location,Figure 22. Receiver test setup.Figure 2-3. reciever, right side viewFigure 2-4. Audio frequency amplifier assembly.Figure 2-5. Bfo subassembly.Figure 2-6. Power supply and servo compartment, right side view.Figure 2-7. Power supply and servo compartment, rear viewFigure 2-8. Receiver, left side view with gear train cover and RF shield removed.Figure 2-9. First RF amplifier subassembly.Figure 2-9.1 First RF amplifier subassembly, front view (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-10. Second RF amplifier and balanced modulator subassembly.Figure 210.1 Second RF amplifier and balanced modulator subassembly (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-11. Push-pull RF amplifier subassembly, front view.Figure 2-11.1 Push-pull RF amplifier subassembly, front view (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-12. Push-pull RF amplifier subassembly, side view.Figure 2-12.1 Push-pull RF amplifier subassembly, side view (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-18. Mixer assembly.Figure 2-13.1 Mixer assembly, front view (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-14. IF amplifier subassembly front view.Figure 2-14.1. IF amplifier subassembly, front view (MCN 1084 and above)Figure 2-15.1 IF amplifier subassembly, rear view (MCN 1084 and above).Figure 2-16. Local oscillator subassembly.Figure 2-16.1 Local oscillator asssmbly, rear view (MCN 1084 and above).Receiver Troubleshooting Chart.Receiver Troubleshooting Chart. - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350071Receiver Troubleshooting Chart. - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350072Signal SubstitutionRadio frequency Tests.Radio frequency Tests - continuedStage-Gain MeasurementsGain of mixer at IF frequency.Gain of Sense Antenna Input Circiut.Gain of First RF Amplifier and Phase- Shift NetworkIsolating Trouble Within StagesFigure 2-17 Receiver transistor voltage diagram (part 1 of 2).Figure 2-17 Receiver transistor voltage diagram (part 2 of 2).Voltage MeasurementsTypical System Troubles Caused by Defective ReceiverFigure 2-18. Receiver waveforms.Receiver WaveformsFigure 2-19. Control unit test setup.Figure 220. Control unit, front view.Figure 2-21. Control unit, top view.Figure 2-22. Control unit, left side view.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING MOUNTING MT3605/ARN-83 AND INVERTER, POWER, STATIC CV-2128/ARN-83Figure 2-24. Mounting with inverter installed.Figure 226. Inverter, end view.Section V. TROUBLESHOOTING ANTENNA AS1863/ARN83Figure 2-28. Loop antenna test setupChapter 3. REPAIRS AND ALIGNMENT - TM-11-5826-225-350096Removal of Push-Pull RF Amplifier Sub-assemblyDisassembly of Gear Train SubassemblyReassembly and Lubrication Of ReceiverFigure 3-1. Receiver, left side view, dust cover removed.Figure 3-2. Receiver, right side view, dust cover removed.Reassembly and Lubrication Of Receiver - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350102Reassembly and Lubrication Of Receiver - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350103Replacement of Gear Train Assembly.Replacement of Mixer Subassembly.Disassembly of Control UnitRemoval of Attenuator. (R301).Removal of Dial Drum.Replacement of Range Switch (S304).Replacement of Gear Train.Replacement of Dial Drum.eplacement of Function Switch (S302).Replacement of Rear Retaining Plate.Section II. ALIGNMENT - TM-11-5826-225-350114Figure 3-3. RF balance adjustment test setup.Figure 36. Block diagram of adjustment and synchronization of tuning capacitor setup.Local Oscillator AlignmentRF AlignmentRF Balance AdjustmentFirst RF Amplifier Alignment11 O-Hz Oscillator Frequency Adjustment90-Degree Phase Shift adjustmentServo Balance AdjustmentAdjustment of Adf Hunt ControlInverter Voltage AdjustmentControl Unit AlignmentChapter 4. GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT INSPECTION PROCEDURESDirection finder Control C-6899/ARN-83 Physical Tests and InspectionFigure 4-1. Control Unit TestControl Unit Test - TM-11-5826-225-350132Control Unit Test - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350133Control Unit Test - continued - TM-11-5826-225-350134Radio Receiver R-1301/ARN83 Physical Test and Inpections - TM-11-5826-225-350135Radio Receiver R-1301/ARN83 Physical Test and Inpections - TM-11-5826-225-350137Figure 5-1. Receiver Frequency Accuracy TestReceiver Frequency Accuracy TestFigure 5-2. Receiver Bandwiidth Test Receiver Bandwiidth TestFigure 5-3. Receiver Sensitity TestReceiver Sensitity, Bearing Thershold, and Audio Output test - TM-11-5826-225-350143Receiver Sensitity, Bearing Thershold, and Audio Output test - TM-11-5826-225-350144Receiver Sensitity, Bearing Thershold, and Audio Output test - TM-11-5826-225-350145Receiver Sensitity, Bearing Thershold, and Audio Output test - TM-11-5826-225-350146Receiver Sensitity, Bearing Thershold, and Audio Output test - TM-11-5826-225-350147Figure 4-5. Receiver Bearing Indicator TestReceiver Bearing Indicator TestFigure 4-6. Receiver Tuning and Switching Time testReceiver Tuning and Switching Time testFigure 4-7. Receiver Muting TestReceiver Muting TestFigure 4-8. Receiver Tuning Meter TestReceiver Tuning Meter TestInverterFigure 4-9. Inverter TestInverter TestFigure 4-10. Loop antenna test. Loop antenna test.Summary of Test DataSection II. DEPOT INSPECTION STANDARDSFigure 4-11. Color code markings for MIL-STD resistors.Chapter 5. ILLUSTRATIONS - TM-11-5826-225-350165Color Code Marking for Military Standard CapacitrsFigure 5-2. Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-83, overall functional block diagramSchematic Diagram - TM-11-5826-225-350169Figure 5-4. Phase-shift network, second RF amplifier, and balanced modulator, schematic diagramFigure 5-5. Push-Pull RF Amplifier, schematic diagram,Figure 5-6. mixer coupling networks, schematic diagramFigure 5-7. Mixer and local oscillator, schematic diagram.Figure 5-8. Third, fourth and fifth IF amplifiers, schematic diagramFigure 5-9. Resolver servoamplifier, schematic diagramFigure 5-10.1. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-10.1. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-10.1. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 5-10.2. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-10.2. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-10.2. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 5-10.3. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-10.3. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-10.3. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 5-10.4. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-10.4. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-10.4. Radio Receiver, Schematic diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 5-11. Directional Finder Control C-6899/ARN-83, schematic diagramFigure 5-12. Function and frequency range selection, schematic diagramFigure 5-13. Receiver tuning, schematic diagramFigure 5-14. Manual Loop Control, schematic diagramFigure 5-15. Manual audio gain control, schematic diagramFigure 5-16. Receiver, gear train subassembly, exploded viewFigure 5-17. Control unit exploded viewTM-11-5826-225-35 Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-83 Manual