Section I.
1-1. Scope
1-3. Forms and Records
T h i s manual describes Direction Finder Set
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
Equipment. Use equipment forms and records in
preflight check, and organizational maintenance.
accordance with instructions in TM 38-750.
It includes operating instructions, cleaning and in-
b. Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
spection of the equipment, organizational trouble-
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of Dam-
shooting, and replacement of components available
aged or Improper Shipment) as prescribed in AR
to organizational maintenance.
700-58 (Army), NAVSANDA Publications 378
(Navy), and AFR 71-4 (Air Force).
1-2. Index of Publications
c. Reporting of Equipment Manual Improve-
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to
ments. The direct reporting of errors, omissions,
determine if there are new editions, changes, or ad-
and recommendations by the individual user for
ditional publications pertaining to the equipment.
improving this manual is authorized and encour-
DA Pam 310-4 is an index of current technical
aged. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
manuals, t e c h n i c a l bulletins, supply manuals,
DA Publications) will be used for reporting these.
(types 7, 8, and 9), supply bulletins, lubrication
improvements. This form will be completed using
orders, and modification work orders that are avail-
pencil, pen, or typewriter and forwarded direct to
able through publications supply channels. The
Commanding General, U. S. Army Electronics Com-
index lists the individual parts (-10, -20, -35P,
m a n d , ATTN: AMSEL-MR-(NMP)-MA, Fort
etc. ) and the latest changes to and revisions of each
Monmouth, N. J.
equipment publication.
Section II.
1-5. Technical Characteristics
1 - 4 . Purpose and Use
Frequency range . . . . . . . . . . 190 to 1,750 kc in three ranges.
Accuracy range . . . . . . . . .190 to 400 l.5 kc; 400 to 850
an airborne automatic direction finder (adf) oper-
2.5 kc; 850 to 1,750 5.0
ating within the frequency range of 190 to 1,750
kilocycles (kc). The equipment provides both
Bearing accuracy . . . . . . . ...2.
visual and aural facilities for adf homing, radio
Maximum time for bearing
range navigation, and position fixing. It is used as
indication . . . . ... . . . . . . .7 seconds.
a navigational radio aid to continuously and visually
Bearing data output . . . . . Capable of driving 1, 2, or 3,
indicate the magnetic bearing of a radio station
while providing aural reception of audio transmis-
bearing indicator.
sions from the station. The azimuth or bearing of a
Aural rf input sensitivity:
radio station is displayed on the aircraft radio
Adf mode:
200 kc . . . . . . . . . ...70 microvolt per meter.
magnetic indicator or other synchro-type bearing
1,700 kc . . . . . . . . . .25 microvolt per meter.